The Niebull School is an 1897 one-room school house, originally located in the Town of Big Flats, Adams County Wisconsin. The school was named for the Danish community of Niebull in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The building was used as a 1-8 Grade school until the late 1950s. In 1964 a committee of school teachers and PTA members, authorized by the Adams County Board, moved the abandoned building to the Adams County Fairgrounds and began the schoolhouse’s restoration. In 1998 the school house received a much needed $4,500 to re-roof the building using historically correct cedar shakes. At 2:00 AM, Thursday, January 3, 2002, the Niebull schoolhouse was moved from the fairgrounds to its new home by the McGowan House Museum. The move was accomplished by a wonderful coordinated effort of Peterson Movers of Nekoosa, Adams County Sheriff’s Department, Adams County Fair Board, Adams County Highway Department, State of Wisconsin Highway Department, the various utility companies: Alliant Energy, Verizon, Encompass and particularly Charter Cable, who donated their work at no charge to the Society.
Views of the Niebull School, as it is now by the McGowan House Museum at 507 Main St. Friendship, WI.
If you would like more information about the school or any other Adams County buildings please feel free to contact us and we will be glad to help.
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